Page 8 - Corporate Health Check
P. 8

Competency Management I:

                                           People Management

          Our people plans (e.g. hiring, training, development) are
          directly derived from the needs of strategic plans and
          process requirements (rather than from activities or           agree     disagree   don’t know
          freestanding plans based on ad hoc needs).

          My organization has a systematic approach that requires
     2)   all people (both as individuals and groups) to generate        agree     disagree   don’t know
          process & product/service improvements and innovation.

          Our organization has a systematic approach that reviews and
     3)   develops the competency architecture along with business and   agree     disagree   don’t know
          performance requirements at the respective level.

          My organization can demonstrate that it is ensuring that its
          employees become increasingly authorized to act and take
     4)   direct responsibility for decisions and changes, and it does    agree    disagree   don’t know
          insure actively that this increased empowerment is without
          significant increased risk to the organization.

          My organization can demonstrate that every employee
          is given a career ladder allowing horizontal promotion (job
          enrichment) as well as vertical promotion (increasing          agree     disagree   don’t know
          authority & responsibility).

          The performance of all our people is measured against their
          ability to manage, improve and innovate the processes within
          their given process map rather than by measuring compliance    agree     disagree   don’t know
          with targets, goals or KPIs.

          The performance of all our people is assessed by requisite
          performance stakeholders rather than their superiors.          agree     disagree   don’t know

          Effective horizontal & vertical communication channels have
     8)   been established among our people, and our people agree        agree     disagree   don’t know
          (>87%) that they are well informed and that their opinions
          are sought after and valued.

          Salaries, fixed and variable, are fully transparent at all levels and
     9)                                                                  agree     disagree   don’t know
          not tied to target or KPI achievement neither on individual nor
          group level.

          My organization can demonstrate that people are promoted to
     10)  different positions on the basis of their ability to become    agree     disagree   don’t know
          competent in the new position and their willingness to accept the
          respective scope, rather than on basis of compliance assessment
          by their superiors and/or longevity.

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